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​Chinese New Cello Music is Here!!!

----- 1975  -----
大提琴独奏《草原民兵》   戴天佑
​”Prairie Militia“ for Cello Solo by Tianyou Dai
大提琴曲《风车》   严正平
​”Windmill“ for Cello Solo by Zhengping Yan

大提琴《一石激起千层浪》     陈铭志

“A Stone Raises a Thousand Waves” for cello by Mingzhi Chen
----- 1976 -----
《遗怀III 》大提琴独奏    潘皇龙
“Behind III”for Cello Solo by Pan Hwang-long  

大提琴《延河在欢唱》     陈铭志

“The Yan River is Singing Happily” for cello by Mingzhi Chen

大提琴《湘江之歌》     陈铭志

“Song of the Xiang River” for cello by Mingzhi Chen
----- 1977  -----

《怀念》   吕其岭
​Remenbrance for cello and piano by Qi-ling Lu

《土家族歌舞》   吕其岭

Dance of the Tuchia Tribe for cello and piano by Qi-ling Lu

----- 1978 -----
《节日的天山》   姜文涛&曹玲
​Festival of Tianshan by Wentao Jiang& Ling Cao
大提琴与钢琴《回旋曲》   鲍元恺
“Rondo” for Cello and Piano by Yuankai Bao
大提琴独奏《支农车队进山来》   陈铭志
​“Farm supporting team come into the mountains” for cello solo by Mingzhi Chen
大提琴与钢琴《欢乐的延边》   黄云龙
​“The Happy Frontier” for cello and Piano by Yunlong Huang
大提琴与钢琴《敬爱的周总理,我们怀念你》   吴慰云
​“Dear Premier Zhou,we miss you” for cello and Piano by Weiyun Wu
大提琴与钢琴《老码头工人的回忆》   吴慰云
​“Memories of the old dock workers” for cello and Piano by Weiyun Wu
大提琴与钢琴《随想曲》   马水龙
​“Caprice” for Cello and Piano by Shui-Long Ma
----- 1979  -----
大提琴独奏曲《北京颂》   屠冶九
“Beijing Song” for cello solo by Yejiu Tu

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